Scheduling SQL server backups: a comprehensive guide

scheduling backupsScheduling the backup operations should be one of the elements that are imperative in the work of any DBA. 
This simple action will save you lots of time and effort in the future. Scheduling backups can be done through the visual interface of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) as we will see next.

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What databases to backup?

databases to backupDoing backups might become a repetitive and reflex action if done for quite a long time. But due to this, you might skip a few things at the beginning and never add them to your checklist schedule when doing backups. 
The following article presents a list of databases to backup and reasons why you should do it.

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Backup best practices — a shortcut

We already know that backups are important for securing your databases from data loss. 
We also have an article about best practices regarding backups, but the article is quite detailed and if you want to take a shortcut and take care of the essentials, then you’ve found it here.

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The media family on device is incorrectly formed

If you encounter the error message, “the media family on device is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family,” you may not initially understand exactly what happened.

This post will try to give you a few suggestions as to what might have gone wrong and what to do in those situations.

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Backup best practices – a shortlist

backup best practices
If you’re here, then there’s a high chance you already know the importance of good backups and what they mean to a serious business.
Taking care of database backups is an important and very sensitive job.
This is why we tried to make a shortlist of some backup best practices that you should be aware of when you’re either doing backups or you’re trying to restore them, in order to be covered for any of the common and slightly uncommon situations involving backups.

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Backup the Transaction Log When the Database is Damaged

Backup the Transaction Log When the Database is Damaged
This post will address the issue of backing up the Transaction Log in the unfortunate eventuality when your SQL Server Database is damaged.
We will offer details regarding how you can do your Transaction Log backup with either T-SQL queries or by using the graphical interface of SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) in a step-by-step example.

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How To Configure Backup Compression

backup6Now that we have previously discussed about backup compression, it is time we offer details about how to configure compression for your backups.
 Just as a short reminder, backup compression is a powerful feature offered by SQL Server (versions 2008 and newer) that allows you to shrink the amount of storage space used by your backup files while at the same time increasing the speed of recovery, which goes hand in hand with lower CPU usage when restoring the database from your backup.

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